eHealth Hub Blog

eHealth Hub Blog (29)

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Data Interoperability; A Key Component for Connected Health Systems

Data Interoperability; A Key Component for Connected Health Systems

The digital transformation process that the health sector is immersed in, and the subsequent change in relationships between the main actors of this ecosystem, was the epicenter of debate at the Milenio Foros Salud on July 13th in Mexico City. First-rate experts from the sector took part in this event, where they debated the present […]

Empowering, Educating and Engaging Users Through the Patient Portal

Empowering, Educating and Engaging Users Through the Patient Portal

One of the main challenges currently faced by healthcare systems worldwide is the increase in the demand for their services, mainly due to three fundamental factors: the aging of the population, the prevalence of chronic diseases and, finally, comorbidity1. In addition to the changes in mindset required by the current panorama, the growing need to […]

The Intensive Care of the Future: The Smart ICU

The Intensive Care of the Future: The Smart ICU

On March 19-21, the city of Concepción and the Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital of Chile, hosted the 1st International “Smart ICU” Workshop, an event where intensivists and engineers addressed the issues found in the UCI and the role technology plays in its transformation, data interoperability, and the impact of technologies such as Big Data […]

Usability in Healthcare Software: From Myth to Fact

Usability in Healthcare Software: From Myth to Fact

Information and communication technologies have significantly impacted the healthcare industry in recent decades. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, known by its acronym OCDE1, the increase in the quality of patient care and safety, the improvement in efficiency and the decrease in operational and administrative costs of organizations, as well as the […]

10 Key Healthcare IT trends for 2018 in LATAM (I)

10 Key Healthcare IT trends for 2018 in LATAM (I)

Instead of making predictions for 2018, I will list a few elements to consider by those that work in the segment of information technologies applied to the Health Sector in Latin America. These points are observations based on my experience of the market through conversations with countless clients, academics and entrepreneurs, my reading of RFI/RFP […]

10 Key Healthcare IT trends for 2018 in LATAM (II)

10 Key Healthcare IT trends for 2018 in LATAM (II)

The previous article discussed the analysis of trends for health technologies in 2018. We emphasized the importance of interoperable Electronic Medical Records allowing hospitals to share health data and the relevance of an election year in many countries in the region. We will discuss the following three trends in this article. 4. Moderate, but steady […]

10 Key Healthcare IT trends for 2018 in LATAM (III)

10 Key Healthcare IT trends for 2018 in LATAM (III)

In the previous sections of this article, we discussed seven predictions of Health IT for the year. In this part, we conclude our analysis of the last three trends. 8. Incipient changes in the relationships between health provider clients and ITC providers In 2018, we will continue to see signs of the immaturity of the […]

Report: Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Latin American Healthcare Industry

Report: Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Latin American Healthcare Industry

The incorporation of information technologies in the healthcare industry follows the logic of irreversible trends. One can only ask when, because sooner or later, no organization will be immune to the digital transformation. One of the key levers in this push to modernize the industry is the use of cloud computing. Report Results 169 respondents […]

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