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The Intensive Care of the Future: The Smart ICU

The Intensive Care of the Future: The Smart ICU

On March 19-21, the city of Concepción and the Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital of Chile, hosted the 1st International “Smart ICU” Workshop, an event where intensivists and engineers addressed the issues found in the UCI and the role technology plays in its transformation, data interoperability, and the impact of technologies such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (IA).

The panel of intensivists, hailing from five countries, came to the same conclusion; the existing systems in ICUs collect data and information, but the future lies in smart systems that not only process information, but also offer management and treatment options for greater safety and efficiency.

The future of Critical or Intensive Medicine lies on the smart use of technology

In his introductory talk at the panel, Dr. Javier Pérez-Fernández, medical director of Critical Care Services of the Baptist Hospital of Miami, USA, also highlighted the need for a smart ICU that could analyze data from a very broad base and turn them into intervention protocols, separating the useful and important from the insignificant.

A smart ICU system should be attractive and user-friendly for the entire staff, both nursing and medical; it should facilitate and reduce the amount of work; have bi-directional interaction capability with existing computer systems; it should develop algorithms that can be applied to both detection and solution of the systems; and be self-taught, explained Dr. Javier Pérez.

See presentation. (In Spanish)


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