Reports (29)

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Report: Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Latin American Healthcare Industry

Report: Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Latin American Healthcare Industry

The incorporation of information technologies in the healthcare industry follows the logic of irreversible trends. One can only ask when, because sooner or later, no organization will be immune to the digital transformation. One of the key levers in this push to modernize the industry is the use of cloud computing. Report Results 169 respondents […]

Patient-centric information systems – IDC Opinion

Patient-centric information systems – IDC Opinion

Technology Assessment Patient-centric information systems: A new approach in healthcare Alberto Belle. IDC Sponsored by: NTTDATA Health Healthcare systems are faced with the challenge of addressing growing needs, while containing costs. The combination of medical and technological advances is enabling the implementation of preventive medicine and personalized patient care in clinical practice. As a result, […]

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