Patient-centric information systems – IDC Opinion

Technology Assessment

Patient-centric information systems: A new approach in healthcare

Alberto Belle. IDC

Sponsored by: NTTDATA Health

Healthcare systems are faced with the challenge of addressing growing needs, while containing costs. The combination of medical and technological advances is enabling the implementation of preventive medicine and personalized patient care in clinical practice. As a result, new information tools are necessary to cover as much patient information as possible, including patient history from other health centers.

In this report, IDC adresses the following topics:

  • New challenges in healthcare
  • Clinical Information Technologies: A growing market
  • CIO priorities
  • The third platform and the implications for the healthcare
  • The Electronic Medical Record: from EMR to EHR
  • Solutions

In IDC opinion, information technology will play a key role in healthcare and medicine in the next years and, overall, patient-centric information tools will grow significantly, as they are aligned with the emerging paradigm of personalized medicine, while enabling cost efficiencies.

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