Big Data and Predictive Analytics Solutions for the ICU at the BDVA Summit European Event
ehCOS participated in the Big Data Value Association Summit 2016, organized by the Big Data Value Association, an association made up by the key players in the Big Data industry.

The focus of the event was the development Big Data and Predictive Analytics technologies and solutions in different business.
On Thursday 1 December, ehCOS participated in the Big Data Value Association Summit 2016, organized by the Big Data Value Association, an association made up by the key players in the Big Data industry. The focus of the event was the development Big Data and Predictive Analytics technologies and solutions in different business areas such as finance, telecommunications, transportation and healthcare, among others.
The event, which drew more than 300 professionals, including key European players in the development of big-data-based processes, was an exceptional opportunity to make contacts and put the ehCOS big data solutions on the map.
The morning saw a series of conferences in which big data and predictive analytics projects and ideas were presented, as well as firsthand accounts of actual cases of implementation of these technologies, both from the user and provider perspectives. Furthermore, the different challenges and opportunities arising from the use of big data and predictive analytics technology was examined from the different business perspectives.
A Big Data and Predictive Analytics Healthcare Solution
Pablo Rivero, Senior Manager Europe/Asia Pacific ehCOS E health, presented a case of success in the use of this technology in the healthcare field: ehCOS SmartICU at the Virgen del Rocio Hospital in Seville. A predictive analytics solution that helps health professionals make more accurate and personalized clinical decisions in ICUs, by converting data into alerts before the alarm is triggered.