Success Case

Technology on Board a Hospital Ship: Bringing Healthcare to Patients in Chile

Technology on Board a Hospital Ship: Bringing Healthcare to Patients in Chile

The ehCOS Electronic Health Record has facilitated the care and treatment of thousands of patients in seven campaigns throughout 2016.

Success use case of ehCOS technology in medical campaigns in remote regions of Chile aboard the “Sargento Aldea” hospital ship. Telemedicine and telecare that have helped reduce waiting lists throughout the country thanks to the ACRUX Foundation, the Chilean Navy and NTTDATA technology.

Bringing Healthcare Closer to the Remote Regions of Chile

Significant barriers still prevent many people from accessing healthcare services in distant regions. The shortage of specialists in some areas and the difficult access to the more distant ones imply long waiting lines.

In Chile, 57.8% of doctors and 41.3% of the hospital structure are concentrated in the central part of the country. More than 6,000 kilometers of coastline make it difficult to access certain areas, which are practically isolated, making it difficult for citizens to access healthcare services.

This inequity in technological and human resources that exists between the extremes and the center of the country forces many Chileans to travel many kilometers to be attended by a specialist. Many have to wait for years on waiting lists overflowing with patients in need of surgery or specialized care.

Telemedicine and Telecare with ehCOS Technology

For a year now, NTTDATA and its ehCOS technology have proven grand allies of the ACRUX Foundation and the Chilean Navy in carrying out medical campaigns aboard the Sargento Aldea hospital ship.

The ehCOS Electronic Health Record has facilitated the care and treatment of thousands of patients in seven campaigns throughout 2016.

Clinical professionals participating in the campaigns in different parts of the country have attended patients more safely with ehCOS technology, connecting remotely with other specialists at the time of care through the application of telemedicine.

“ehCOS contributes its advanced technology in Telemedicine and Shared Electronic Health Record to get specialists from different geographies to collaborate in the reduction of waiting lists and gaps in access to healthcare resources in Chile,” said Juan Ramón Morales, Director of Health at Chile.

2016 Medical Campaigns

7 Medical campaigns
8,404 Clinical encounters with patients
326 Volunteer doctors in total


Health Information Technologies and Telemedicine contribute to the improvement of the lives of people and the communities where they live.

The medical campaigns organized by the ACRUX Foundation have improved health conditions in remote areas of Chile and impacted more than 18,000 patients.

  • 80% reduction in waiting lists in Frutillar
  • 60% reduction in waiting lists in Tocopilla and Mejillones.
  • 30% reduction in waiting lists in Arica.
  • The medical campaigns have impacted on more than 18,000 patients.

  • New campaigns in 2017

    In 2017 ehCOS and the ACRUX Foundation are expected to continue cooperating with the goal of bringing health resources where they are most needed. Five campaigns are to take place from April to December, in which close to 17,000 people will be attended with the help of ehCOS technology and its Electronic Health Record in the cloud.


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