Experts Opinions (27)

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How does ehCOS Give Support to Healthcare Organizations?

How does ehCOS Give Support to Healthcare Organizations?

Juan Ramón Morales, Chief Business Development Officer, explains how the goal of ehCOS is to help healthcare organizations in the process of digital transformation, which not only involves technology, but also processes and people.

How do Analytics Help Health Organizations? [in Spanish]

How do Analytics Help Health Organizations? [in Spanish]

Hospitals need to have available tools to analyze and evaluate the quality of care more objectively and facilitate its transformation in light of the growing demand for high-value healthcare, coupled with the need to increase the productivity and efficiency of healthcare resources in order to provide it. What are the opinions of healthcare and IT professionals?

Extending the ICU outside the walls of the ICU

Extending the ICU outside the walls of the ICU

Javier Pérez-Fernández, MD. Intensive Care Specialist at Baptist Hospital in Miami (USA). …”In our future in medicine specially in the ICU, extending the ICU outside the walls of the ICU becomes an essential tool for any hospital”.

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